Award magazine, February 2017 Issue
Ruhland & Associates Ltd. Is a member of the consulting team for one of the feature projects in February’s edition of Award Magazine.

The exterior landscape components include the use of native plant material where feasible, the use of natural stone, precast pavers, concrete and wood elements to complement the building design.
Use of innovative wood screening at patio areas, with sinuous lines and strong verticals showcase the use of wood in an exterior setting. The landscape design at the building foundation brings together naturalized plantings and rockery that sets the stage for the building architecture.
Use of decorative boulders, both for aesthetics and security, tie in the plantings and peastone. Existing soil conditions on site presented a design challenge where larger trees cannot be planted close to the building.
The landscape, therefore, starts with a low and intricate scale at the building, becoming larger and more natural further from the building footprint. Final landscape to be completed in spring of 2017.
Team members:
Architect: N45 Architecture Inc.
Construction Manager: M. Sullivan and Son Ltd.
Landscape Architect: Ruhland & Associates Ltd.
Structural Engineer: Cleland Jardine Engineering Ltd.
Civil Engineer: Jp2g Consultants Inc.
Electrical Mechanical Engineers: R.J. McKee Engineering