Bronson Avenue Reconstruction
Urban Spaces & Streetscapes

Project Overview
This project included sustainable urban tree planting, pedestrian corridor and seating nodes, and public art opportunities.

Project Description
The reconstruction of Bronson Avenue, which is a major transportation corridor, included realignment of traffic lanes and pedestrian sidewalks, creation of pedestrian oriented nodes at all minor and one-way intersections, public art, and working around new underground utilities.

Due to the narrow sidewalks along Bronson, many of the trees and furnishings are installed in the pedestrian seating nodes at intersections providing pedestrian friendly enclaves. A combination of soil cells, planters, and structural soil were used to provide sufficient soil volumes for the street trees to thrive and allowed planting of approximately 50% more trees than would otherwise have been possible.
Public Art was incorporated in two areas along Bronson Avenue – Bronson Centre and frontage along McNabb Park. The front of the Bronson Centre was redeveloped with the involvement of The Bronson Centre Administration.

The entrance was refurbished. Better use was made of space for both pedestrian and vehicular requirements, and bollards were added for safety of pedestrians and street furnishings. This and the new art component installed above the entranceway makes the entrance more attractive.
Streetscape frontage along McNabb Park was redeveloped to include an art fence and gateway incorporating seating.

Additional Details
Ruhland and Associates LTD. Role: Project Landscape Architects, Prime consultant: Robinson Consultants Inc.
Location: Bronson Avenue (north of the Queensway), Ottawa
Date of Construction: 2009 – 2013
Owner: City of Ottawa