CCH Community Addictions and Mental Health Centre
Institutional & Campuses
Project Overview
Landscape environment and interior open air atrium for a new Community Addictions and Mental Health Centre in Cornwall.
Project Description
This urban hospital campus site provides modest but attractive outdoor space for landscape amenity. This includes: shading/landscape screen at front entrance; staff patio, and separate client patio with covered steel shelter. Both areas benefit from the mature trees of the adjacent historic cemetery parkland to the north.
An open-air, interior atrium was created for use by the Centre’s staff and clientele. It is visible from the interior on all four sides, and is accessed by two doors. The design is reminiscent of a Japanese style garden, creating small nooks and seating areas out of free-flowing spaces and paving / gravel patterns.
Mounded plantings and trees surround the seating and contemplative areas. A trellis is incorporated for shade.
The exterior landscape features an articulated front entrance with seating and screening, staff patio, new plantings which incorporate the existing trees between the new building and existing parking lot. Boulders excavated on site were used as landscape elements in the atrium and exterior landscape.
Additional Details
Ruhland and Associates LTD. Role: Project Landscape Architects: Prime Consultant – Architecture 49
Location: 850 McConnell Ave, Cornwall
Date of Construction: 2015 – 2016
Owner: Cornwall Community Hospital