Jockvale – Strandherd Road Widening / Golflinks Roundabout
Environmental & Infrastructure – Parks & Recreational Facilities

Project Overview
City of Ottawa Infrastructure project upgrading Longfields Drive (formerly Jockvale Road) from Prince of Wales Drive to Cambrian Road.
Landscape features for the upgrades to this transportation corridor is inspired from the use of plant material, field boulders and fencing types. Many of the early farm fields were separated using different types of cedar rail fencing, stone walls and subsequent hedgerows.

Project Description
Three roundabouts are proposed where three different fencing and plant materials are to be incorporated into the design representing a microcosm of the past rural landscape: two distinct cedar rail fencing types, a farmer’s stone wall, hedgerow and farmstead plantings.
Apart from the roundabouts and street tree plantings, reforestation is proposed where space allows and is designed that would mimic, as much as possible, the native trees once found in this locale.

To date, one roundabout has been built – the Golflinks roundabout. This roundabout show cases a small pocket of historically inspired rural landscape featuring the use of a straight cedar rail fence creating a ‘corner’ of a past farmer’s field and hedgerow, incorporating field boulders and plants used on many farmsteads.

Additional Details
Ruhland and Associates LTD. Role: Project Landscape Architects, Prime Consultant – Robinson Consultants
Location: Ottawa South – Longfields Drive (Prince of Wales Drive to Cambrian Drive)
Date of Construction: 2015 – 2020
Owner: City of Ottawa