333 Preston Square
Commercial and Housing Development

Project Overview
This project comprises a commercial landscape and residential landscaping.
The commercial landscape, which is installed on the slab over a garage, includes cast in place and precast planters, treed areas, seating areas and walkways paved with a decorative pattern, furnishings, lawn areas and planting beds.
The residential landscape, which is also built on slab, includes front entry walkways, perennial planters and stone gardens.

Project Description
This design uses the latest in quality materials, construction, and planting techniques for roof top gardens, creating beauty with excellent life cycle investment value. A unique style was designed for this project, and forms a rich tapestry of textures, colours, and geometry, while fully integrating existing and new components, and using pathway paving design, planting beds, and planters to demarkate different areas. It is designed to be enjoyed from both ground and above, and in all seasons.

High quality materials include:
Custom furnishings which fit the landscape and complement the architectural elements.
Precast concrete pavers, which use colour to form the signature patterns, and have a fine stone aggregate finish. This gives ease and durability with the of quality stone and granite aggregate. Precast concrete edgers and walls allowed flexible design without a ‘rooftop feel’.
The soft landscape systems were designed for structural and environmental site criteria. Plant species were chosen accordingly. The below-grade watering system uses drip irrigation and fertilizer injection which improves water conservation and caters to the specific fertilizing needs of the different planting zones.

Additional Details
Ruhland and Associates LTD. Role: Project Landscape Architects, Prime Consultant – IBI Group Architects
Location: 333 Preston Street, Ottawa
Date of Construction: 2005 – 2007
Owner: Sakto Corporation
This project was awarded the Special Jury Award, Ottawa Urban Design Awards, in 2007.
The jury recognised this entry because it crosses so many categories and demonstrated a “… transformation of a parcel from a suburban office park form into a remarkable mixed-use neighbourhood centre. Employment, housing and retail have been masterfully combined in a very complicated urban design that … is very simple and legible.”, and that the project is “… able to successfully urbanise an impossible site.”