Algonquin College Pembroke Renaissance Campus
Institutional & Campuses

Project Overview
Algonquin Renaissance Campus is situated adjacent to the Ottawa River. The project included site remediation and restoration, student facilities, pedestrian and vehicle accommodations, preservation of existing natural areas and a constructed wetland. The project achieved LEED NC Gold certification.

Project Description
The Algonquin Renaissance Campus is situated on a previous industrial site in Pembroke, adjacent to the Ottawa River. The campus was awarded LEED NC Gold certification, utilizing sustainable and green practices, technology and systems; producing a facility with a minimum environmental footprint.

The green technology utilized is showcased as part of the campus curriculum. These include: existing tree and natural landscape preservation, naturalized planting, bioswales and a wetland to manage stormwater runoff, use of collected rainwater for irrigation, low-maintenance planting, and rehabilitation of areas damaged by the previous use of the land. The constructed wetland also provides natural filtration for stormwater. This is helps to maintain the health of the Ottawa River.
Excavated fill material from the building excavation was kept on-site and incorporated into sculptured landforms around the wetland. Naturalized planting augments the wetland vegetation and provides nesting habitat.

Natural and cultural elements found on site and in the area are integrated into the design, while at the same time bringing social and learning experiences together. The naturalized planting scheme is in keeping with the existing and historical landscapes.
Pedestrian amenities include open courtyards and cafeteria patio, outdoor learning opportunities, a loggersport area, recreation path connections, and site furnishings including covered bike storage.

Additional Details
Ruhland and Associates LTD. Role: Project Landscape Architects: part of Design Build Team with NORR Architects, Engineers, Planners & Giffels Westpro
Location: 315 Pembroke St E, Pembroke
Date of Construction: 2011 – 2012
Owner: Algonquin College