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Carpenter’s Union Training Centre
Award magazine, February 2017 Issue Ruhland & Associates Ltd. Is a member of the...
St. Luke’s Park Public Art – The Listening Tree by Mixed Metaphors
The public art component of the recent upgrades to Gladstone Ave. and St. Luke's Park...
Douglas Associates Landscape Architects Ltd. is becoming Ruhland & Associates Ltd.
Jim Douglas, who has been with the company since its inception, will be retiring this...
Ali Ahmed – New Staff Member
We are pleased to announce that Ali Ahmed will be joining our firm in September. Ali has...
Winston Square
Client: City of Ottawa Ottawa - 2015 Urban Design Award Winner We are proud and...
Jules Morin Park Redevelopment
Jules Morin Park, at 400 Clarence Street in Vanier, has been completely renovated. New...
Soil for Urban Trees
Trees are a welcome sight in a city. They provide shade, beauty and reduce the heat that...
Preston Square revisited – Ottawa
Mature landscapes Client: City Gate Corporation Preston Square received the 2007 Ottawa...
Bronson Avenue North Renewal, 2012 – 2014
The reconstruction of Bronson Avenue is part of the Ottawa on the Move initiative, a...
Art Unveiling, Bronson Centre
The Bronson Avenue renewal project included a public art component. As the landscape...
Richcraft Recreation Complex Opening
Client: City of Ottawa Richcraft Recreation Complex on Innovation Drive in Kanata...
Wellington Street West Reconstruction
Client: City of Ottawa Ottawa - 2011 Urban Design Award Winner Ottawa’s Wellington...
Parkdale Park and Fieldhouse
Client: City of Ottawa Ottawa - 2011 Urban Design Award Winner At Parkdale Park,...